The Holidays are almost always super stressful. You spend an inordinate amount of time cleaning, cooking, buying gifts, wrapping gifts, etc. Something, or many things, always goes wrong. Someone misses a flight or their plane is delayed. Someone ends up stranded or gets stuck in the weather… The weather where they live, obviously, San Diego is 24/7 gorgeous. My point is, there are multiple causes of holiday stress. All of those causes contribute to collected stressful energy in your environment (home, office, etc). That energy then impacts your health, long after the present time stressors have gone. You may still be feeling that failed pie, burnt turkey, cheap wine and mean comments from crotchety family members through January. If you’re like me and you stress about prep, you could inadvertently be bombarding family members and friends with that energy when they come visit. Your home looks like a home. You had several breakdowns making sure that it does. But did you take the time to clear out the tense anxious energy before your guests arrived? Research on Environment and HealthAccording the the University of Minnesota, there are three primary ways your environment affects you.
My Space Needs Cleansing. Now What?Set aside some time. I know that’s harder than it sounds, but that’s why I’m telling you now! If you don’t know what a space cleansing is, take a look at “What is a Space Cleansing Anyway?” My last house cleansing was long overdue, and just the first half of it took nearly an hour. It’s worth it to be thorough. Another house cleansing I performed just last week was also lengthy, but my client told me that night was the first time her six-year-old daughter slept until morning without having night terrors.
It’s worth it to spend some time cleansing your space, and it’s not super pricey! Check out our other blog, “Top 7 Things You Can Do to #CleanseMySpace.” If it’s been a long time since you last cleansed your space, if you’ve never cleansed your space, if you don’t have the time or you feel overwhelmed, get in touch. Do it for your grandma with high blood pressure, your argumentative sister, your super loud, and kind of rude, uncle - and most importantly - do it for you. Melissa Meade is a certified Reiki and Shamanic Practitioner in San Diego. Learn more about Warrior of the Light Reiki now. Have you ever been rearranging the furniture in your home or office, pulled back a particularly large dresser or desk and been shocked at all the dust you find behind it? The room looked so clean before you started, but in the places you couldn’t see, the dirt, dust and maybe cat hair was having a party. Energy affects your home in a similar way. Your kitchen is spotless, so why do you still feel anxious when you’re trying to make a cup of coffee? Why does it feel heavy in your bedroom even after you’ve made the bed? Think about the activity in your home on a regular basis. Do you have the occasional tiff with your significant other? Did you have a depressive episode on your couch in the last few months? What about visitors? Have you been someone’s shoulder to cry on? Did Mom come smother you for a few days? All of these activities, and more, have a lingering energetic effect on your home. In most cases, those pockets of energy can have lasting effects on your health long after the event. Fights with roommates and partners can steadily increase. Depressive episodes and general anxiety can ramp up too. On the less dramatic end, you can honestly just feel incredibly uncomfortable in your own home. Don’t worry. You don’t have to move. I promise. Try a space cleansing instead. Space Cleansing - an ancient practiceSpace Cleansing is an incredibly long-lived practice. Priests have done it with incense and sound since the existence of Churches. Tribal peoples have done it with sage and other herbs for thousands of years. Space cleansing and clearing is also used in conjunction with other energetic practices, like feng shui and energy healing. In a space cleansing, we use tangible objects and directed energy to absorb and ultimately get rid of negative energy that lingers in a space. Almost every culture on the planet has practices they use to cleanse spaces and people. It’s an old, but very effective, practice. Everyone can benefit from it, and everyone can do it. With simple space cleansing tools and the right mindset, anyone can go through their home and get rid of the extra baggage. Do I Need a Space Cleansing?Probably. Everyone does from time to time. When’s the last time you cleansed your space? How are you feeling in your home? The most important times to get a space cleansing are when your space has gone through a major event (or is about to).
The above is just a sampling, but if you’re feeling uncomfortable in your home, break out the sage or try one of the the suggestions in Top 7 Things You Can Do To #CleanseMySpace If the above suggestions don’t work for you, reach out. Hit me up on Facebook or Instagram and tell me what’s going on in your space. I’d love to help. I can’t wait to see how you cleanse your space. Let me know what works for you. Let me know what doesn’t. I want to know. Melissa Meade is a certified Reiki and Shamanic Practitioner in San Diego. Learn more about Warrior of the Light Reiki now.
You don’t have to answer, and you don’t have to feel embarrassed, but it might be time to take a look at the energy in your day-to-day environment. Your environment directly affects your health, and to keep your focus only on your body while ignoring your environment is going to cause you unnecessary stress. So if you can’t drop everything and schedule with me right now, what are some good ways to #cleansemyspace? How to Cleanse Your Space 1. Burn Some SageI know it sounds basic, but it’s true. People have been burning sage and other herbs to gently push the negative energy out of a space for a long time. Many professionals and practitioners have preferences with regard to what kind of herbs you use, but the most effective is going to be the one you prefer the most. It’s not going to help you relax in your space if you just burned an herb you hate the smell of. Don’t like sage? Try palo santo, or lavender. 2. Sweet VibrationsYou might scoff when I tell you that phat beats could help your home, but it’s true. Sound, specifically percussive sound like drums, chimes or bass, can help clear the energy of almost any object. 3. Cleanse With CrystalsCrystals can be a great way to consciously cleanse a space. They can be used in the style of a magic wand, (eat your heart out Glenda) or placed in strategic parts of your home or office to absorb negative energy, depending upon the type of stone. Are your negativity suckers feeling heavy or less effective? Refer back to #2. 4. Get Some Green
5. Salt the SpaceSalt is a cheap winner when it comes to absorbing energy. Sprinkle some, leave it for a bit and then dust it off or vacuum it up. You do not need to spring for fancy salt. The objective is just to suck up that negative energy. 6. Try a Room SprayThis is another great alternative to burning stuff in your home, if that’s not your thing. We’re really fortunate here in San Diego, where there are a multitude of vendors that you can get a good home cleansing spray from. If you’re a big DIY fan, there are also a number of great recipes online. 7. Pay Special Attention to EntrancesThis is more of a maintenance step that I’d recommend adding after doing any space cleansing. People are constantly coming in and out of your spaces and they often bring negative energy with them, whether they are aware of it or not. It’s not a bad idea to use any one of the steps above consistently at an entrance to your space to ensure you won’t have to do a full cleansing too often. Station some pretty crystal statuary, plants, or maybe an oil diffuser with some room spray near the entrance to your space. Not only does this help you, but it might also help the people walking through your door! How Else Can You Cleanse Your Space?If the above suggestions don’t work for you, reach out. Hit me up on Facebook or Instagram and tell me what’s going on in your space. I’d love to help.
Almost every culture on the planet has practices they use to cleanse spaces and people. It’s an old, but very effective, practice. I can’t wait to see how you cleanse your space. Let me know what works for you. Let me know what doesn’t. I want to know. Melissa Meade is a certified Reiki and Shamanic Practitioner in San Diego. Learn more about Warrior of the Light Reiki now. We've got big plans Light Warriors! First of all, I'm expanding my services here at Warrior of the Light. I'm now offering house cleansing as a mobile service, just for you. If you follow me on Facebook you might have also noticed that I'm now a Yoga Alliance certified instructor. Yoga is an amazing restorative practice that will help you balance out those chakras and stay healthy and heal. The more I learn, the more I am amazed by the healing options available to us, and the more I want to bring that knowledge directly to you. That's why I've partnered with my friend Briana Taylor, a marketing professional and Strategic Communications student at Washington State University. She's already done an amazing job of creating and fine-tuning the content for this site, and now she's going to do even more to bring great content about Reiki and holistic health directly to your mobile devices. She'll be floating around in the digital space making sure that you recognize the gorgeous pink, blue and green shades from my lovely logo, and creating great blogs, videos, graphics and other content that will help you learn more about what I do and about alternative healing. She'll also be tracking my analytics and metrics so that we can make sure that we're doing what we set out to do: share what we do and what we love with you. This week you'll be seeing a lot of shares on Facebook and Instagram of things we love and think you will too! In addition, you can look forward to soon being able to schedule appointments for one-on-one yoga instruction and the services listed on the services page online! It's going to be so much easier for you to come see me and start your healing!
I want to challenge you this month to start thinking about putting yourself out there. What do you love? What do you need? What can you do today to start healing? If you're not sure, I do have one suggestion... |
AuthorMelissa Meade is a Reiki Healer and Shamanic Practitioner in San Diego. ArchivesCategories |